Sunday, September 23, 2012

The reading this week has been my favorite reading thus far. I really enjoyed learning the different ways to encourage young children as readers and writers. As someone who is newly familiar with the education system, I was fascinated to read about what is needed to provide strong development of young children's literacy. The top few things that really stood out to me in the "Stages of Development," reading were sufficient resources weather teacher to student ratio or books and computer software, policies to promote continuous learning processes, and appropriate assessment strategies. I believe if schools nationwide were consistent on these things then young students reading development would look much different. 

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about different strategies on how to boost young children's confidence and curiosity with reading. It was very fascinating how much it helped students to learn to read when they were taught to reference back to words they are already familiar with. I really liked the idea of putting students pictures and names by the letters of the alphabet for students to refer to. In the Yopp and Yopp articles, The story called "The Hungry Thing" is mentioned. This story gets students involved through trying to decode what the creature in the story is trying to tell the townspeople. It is so helpful to make reading playful, engaging, and social and I know that this story can do that in the classroom. There is an after reading activity that is mentioned in the articles and I believe if more things were done like this in the classroom then many people would have a strong passion for reading due to their foundation in early education.

What were fun activities that you did with reading as a young student?  


  1. When I was in Kindergarten my school did a lot of activities with the letter people. I remember that I was the letter L and had to make a collage, find objects that started with L and wear a costume L to school on my day to present. Even though it was a lot of fun I think it would have been a lot more fun to incorporate letters and words into the activities mentioned in the article.

  2. Landon loves to read! However, when Landon was younger he only liked to read books that were about topics that he was interested in! I like your enthusiasm about finding about how to motivate students to read because I think that I could have improved a lot in my reading if my teachers had the same passion as you!

  3. When I was in kindergarten, we did a lot of fun rhyming books that the whole class knew by heart. As the teacher is reading we would all follow along out loud with her. It really encouraged me to want to know how to read so I could branch out and read tons of other books. I agree with you that it is very important to set some reforms going in the school systems.

  4. Thanks for sharing that video! That is such a fun book.

  5. I liked when my teacher sent home books for me to color because it was a fun activity to help me learn to read by understanding the pictures. It required me to actually pay attention to the pictures to understand the text and it made it so interesting! We also had a cool reading tree in first grade where we could sit to read and it was our goal to be good so we would be allowed, so that was fun!
